Algo Cloud

Information system for ZRUP Příbram a.s.

ZRUP Příbram a.s. focuses on residential containers, Algotech on its information system

You may be wondering how to run your business information system as easily as possible. You're deciding how powerful the server should be to handle everything now and in the foreseeable future, you're looking for an administrator, you're a bit worried about your data and its backup... The solution can be surprisingly easy, as we will show you with a concrete example of the Czech company ZRUP Příbram a.s. and Algo Cloud.

Now when you hear the word "cloud", you might think that we are going to talk about a solution for large companies. No way. ZRUP Příbram a.s., the company we are going to talk about here, employs 65 people and is a traditional Czech manufacturer of residential containers with many years of experience in supplying prefabricated modular buildings. The company delivers its products within the Czech Republic and abroad and employs a number of experienced specialists who can handle the production and assembly of cells that are used to build schools, kindergartens, family houses, dormitories, office buildings, shops, and even sports facilities. Recently, however, it has been dealing with problems with its IT.

Worrying about servers

For many years, the heart of corporate IT at ZRUP Příbram a.s. was its own servers managed by an external IT specialist, which, among other things, ran the Helios information system. As the company grew, the demands on the information system increased and the limit of the existing solution became the database, whose size exceeded 10 GB. Upgrading the existing solution would be problematic and very costly, so the company management decided that after twelve years of running the information system, essentially unchanged, it was now time to make a major change.

Two basic approaches were offered: the first option was a classic solution with its own servers in-house (the so-called on premise solution), the second was a cloud solution, i.e. a solution completely using the infrastructure of the service provider. While with the traditional approach, the company representatives would have to deal with the issues related to the required performance of the new servers, their installation, management and the acquisition itself, with the cloud these concerns would be eliminated. Users, however, were concerned that data would end up outside the company and perceived possible outages as a risk. Petr Tvrdík, who handled the change on behalf of the company, however, considered these concerns to be irrelevant - provided that a reliable supplier of cloud services was carefully selected. The advantages of the cloud clearly prevailed in his eyes.

And so the tender for a cloud provider was launched. 10 companies were approached, half of them were shortlisted. The selected companies met all the basic conditions for running the information system under the Windows operating system, which the Helios information system needs to function. Now it was necessary to see how the cooperation would look in practice. After a detailed analysis and a detailed interview with each of the potential suppliers, the choice fell on Algotech.

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The information system is now handled by Algotech

The transition to the new solution was quick and seamless. Algotech offers full support during the migration, but in this case the client was able to do it on their own. What he appreciates about the new solution is that the hardware runs with a vendor that fully manages it and also provides data backup. In the first month, we increased the space for the backup of the information system, which took place defacto immediately. The chosen cloud solution is then more cost-effective compared to the classic on-premise approach.

Thanks to this change, the management of ZRUP Příbram a.s. has freed its hands for further IT improvements. For the near future, it plans to deploy an advanced attendance system and a piecework payroll system that will be connected to the company's information system. And there is also a linking of the Solid Edge 3D drawing program with Helios in the cloud in sight.

Let's add that Algotech's cloud, called Algo Cloud, offers a suite of technologies and services that make it possible to keep corporate IT running without a large upfront investment in vendor infrastructure. The services are available to large and smaller companies, government, and individuals. The cloud runs in Algotech's own data centre connected to the main internet node, which allows to ensure not only high security and flexibility, but also affordability for even the smallest clients.

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